Best Workout Mat 

Canva - Lone Female Doing Crunches on a Black Mat.jpg

Interested in buying a workout mat to protect your floors from scratching or getting damaged? Here are a few things to look at when choosing a mat that can protect your next workout. 

Workout mats generally have to be wide enough and thick enough to support your weight and any of the dumbbells that might roll, slide, or drop on the floor. You want the thickness of the mat to be anywhere between 0.3-0.4 inches wide as this ensures that it is thick enough to withstand the impact of your bodyweight and the dumbbells hitting the floor. 

This Is The Top Workout Mat In 2020: 

GXMMAT (Click To Check The Price On Amazon): The GXM mat fits the criteria to provide a good workout as it is wide and thick enough to support your body weight. There are many customer reviews of people using it which includes them jumping, sprinting, dropping weights, and standing on. It’s overall the best workout mat that you can find on the market as it offers everything you need. 

Why I Picked The GXMMAT Workout Mat: 

  • Perfect Size: it’s dimensions are 72 by 60.2 inches which means that there is more than enough space to safely hold you for any of your workouts. It can even support two people for certain workouts which is even more optimal for the price point. 

  • Thickness: It has a 0.3 inch thickness which is great as it really protects the flooring of your house. I own a gym in Southern California and have flooring of 0.4 inches. I have to pay for any damages I cause to the building in the future and, since the day I’ve used them, I have not seen or heard any cracks in the cement below. 

  • Non-Slip Surface: This one is crucial for your plyometric or HIIT workouts. Slipping is the most common reason for injury from exercising so making sure that the mat has a good grip ensures your safety 

  • It Can Fit a Workout Bench: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a workout mat that can’t even support a workout bench. Some come in rectangular shapes so a workout bench is the only thing you can fit in there. You need to make sure that there’s plenty of room to drop weights, to plant your feet, and safely place equipment (without scratching floors) 

  • Versatile: allows you to do jumps, jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and HIIT workouts

Here Is a Great Clip That Features Its Versatility & Length 


You can tell from the video that this mat is extremely large and can fit multiple people. This is exactly what you need from a workout mat as it allows you to workout safely and comfortably.

You want to be able to place a bench on the mat and still have room for dropping weights and safely disengaging from tiring workouts. Here is a workout bench that we recommend you buy if you’re looking to place it on your mat Steelbody Bench Press (Click To Check Out The Price On Amazon)

You can get an awesome workout and have the insurance that you won’t damage your floors. This is something that is a must if you’re looking to workout from home so please invest in this before you buy any other pieces of equipment. 

